Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Painted Lady

Painted Lady
Photons penetrate the translucent membranes beating against wind
Swimming through air
The painted lady brings a shift in the axis of the planet
Time for spring I say!
Migrating on schedule
Swarms of butterflies release from the stomach of a cocoon womb
Into the vast wilderness of human society
A buffoon’s doom
She spent months in hibernation generating apparatus
Now its show time
Time to show off your beautiful orange and black patterns
The black and white painted tips of her wings allows her to have a unique identity
Black and white seem to be the fashionable print this spring
Oh well, better to look like a zebra than an ass
Or Mule used as a garden tool
Ho with a badonkey butt
She is ignorant to the fact that to the naked eye she looks like all the other painted ladies
I like to take my time to appreciate her presence
She never stops for me though
Never even pays me any attention
If I had a net I would catch her
Maybe pin her down and nail her
Then examine her with a magnifying glass
Or maybe put her in a jar
Recreate a natural habitat with a leaf and some twigs
Or put her in a jar with a bumble bee and let them battle!
No I will just watch her float pass me and not say anything to her
Later I will imagine what I coulda shoulda woulda did
I am satisfied with just seeing her
If we do talk it will most definitely be of the birds and the bees
They too are migrating
It’s mating season
Time for spring I say!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Black up Plan 2009

Malcolm X was told by his 8th grade teacher that he couldn't become a lawyer because he was black
That was the last year of school he ever attended
It took a nation of millions to elect a negro leader
Lead by the hip hop generation
Bush was the prez but I voted Barrack Obama
Reagan was the prez but I voted for Shirley Chisholm
Yes we can
Don't believe the hype!
1964 was the last year our country was legally segregated
Many people of all races from that era still live here
They have witnessed change on a macroscopic scale
Does that mean they have changed as well?
According to FBI records, Fard Muhammad and Wallace Dodd are the same person, who's birth is recorded as February 25, 1891 of mixed Polynesian and European parents
He created a religion called the Nation of Islam in 1930 and vanished from the face of the Earth 4 years later
He claimed that black people are the original people of this planet and Islam was their religion before slavery. He also claimed that white people where devils created by a mad scientist named yakub from the island of Patmos
Such radical Islamic thinking terrorizes the world
Wallace Dodd was born in New Zealand or in Portland, Oregon in the United States of parents from Hawaii
A man whose father is a black African and mother a white woman was born in Hawaii and became President of the United States
Malcolm X developed an intense relationship with the honorable Elijah Mohammad while being incarcerated, thus changing him from an uneducated, ignorant, street negro, to a scholar and soldier for Allah and his colered army
Nasir Jones dropped out of middle school as well, becoming a member o fthe Nation of gods and Earths, also known as the 5% nation broken off from the Nation of Islam
Nas releases controversial albums and encourages fans to vote for Obama
Obama has hip hop on his i pod
Black history month falls upon the same year we have our first ever Negro President

Monday, January 26, 2009

Yoga STrecth!

My ligaments become elastic
As I practice elongating the serpent that is intertwined with my spine
Stretching nerve fibers as it uncoils
Releasing neuron charges to the axons at the tip of my nerves
Venomous tensions release
Unclogging the flow of photons and other mass less particles
An open aperture allows the light to be channeled through the vertebrae column
This light of the cosmos can be seen through closed eyes
One stack at a time
The tectonic bones shift into an upright posture
Seven lotus bloom in succession
This chain reaction causes the snake to hiss
My nerves are glowing with electro static discharges
Blue neon lights
What a shock
My brain begins to radiate
Charging the electric fields of my aura as it weakens lesser life forces in my bubble
Clairvoyance through unlimited vision for just a moment of bliss
I lay down on my back as the serpent coils back up into an accordion
According to the alignment of each lumbar region
My nerves begin to dim from bright blue to dark blue
My body lies in alignment with the natural curve of the Earth