Monday, December 1, 2008

The Big Collision!

The big bang occurs when the Black Dragon collides with the White Tiger
In such particle acceleration the fabric of time is frozen
Infinite moments take place simultaneously
Creating the illusion of animation
Dr. Frankenstein and Mr.
Hyde collide
Chromosomes cum bust!
Equilibrium of Fibonacci patterns and fractal codes allows a numeric representation to form
A formula with infinite variables
Unenlightened creatures rely on babble to communicate
While computers are able to comprehend numeric value as positive or negative
Black and White
The grey area is created from imagination colliding with reality
Science must collide and fuse with magic
Once electronic peripherals become apparatus
Babies will lose their pearly whites
Only to have them be replaced with blue teeth!
While collisions on such a subatomic level constantly expand time and space
We can use the most powerful eye to observe its workings
Translate the hieroglyphics into mathematics
From mathematics to babble
Information becomes distorted and the vision can only be seen through the one all mighty eye
The most powerful lens, scope or magnifying device is located in the mind
Where imagination collides with reality
The nature of all the cosmos can be found within and viewed only with the 3rd eye
To see with such an eye is to elevate beyond the 3 dimensional plane and whiteness truth
When on e leaves the physical world and enters the cosmos they are not prepared for what they are about to whiteness
Upon instantaneous return the body the soul will no longer view the universe with 2 eyes
The collision with oneself and reality is too much to comprehend
Humbleness becomes not second nature
But true nature
Learning becomes the life long goal until the final collision with death
One may return to the cosmos and become wiser
But only an immortal can tame both the Black Dragon and White Tiger

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